Watch Behind the Scenes of Home Birth with CNM Christine Taylor


The Behind the Scenes of Home Birth with Christine Taylor, CNM illuminates the intimacy and beauty of a home birth. It shows how various forms of support are important for the birthing patient — including midwifery, doula and family in a conducive home environment. 

Highlights & Takeaways: 

  • Health education: Christine Taylor, CNM debunks the misconception that there isn’t enough monitoring in a home birth. Taylor states “Throughout the entire process, mom is being checked — her vitals are being checked and baby’s heartbeat is being checked — to ensure that nothing abnormal is happening.” Throughout the “behind the scenes” segment, Christine provides education around the process to viewers! 

  • Home Birth Environment: The laboring patient is able to comfortably walk inside and outside before delivering in the comfort of her home environment. This positively reinforces the reality that a home environment can meet a family’s birthing needs. There is the inclusion of aromatherapy within the birthing environment, which is empowering and helpful for families for the birthing process!

  • Birth Support Team: During the laboring process, the laboring patient is able to have a significant amount of support and encouragement from the nurse-midwives, her partner and doula. The support team is integral to her successful delivery. 

Porsha Eden
