Mind your spine
Chelsea Schmidt @cschmidtphoto
Chiropractic care allows the nervous system to adapt to everyday stress by correcting misaligned areas of the spine.
Here are a few dos and don’ts to maintain proper spinal alignment during times of stress:
DO... go to see a Chiropractor. If you are pregnant, find one who is Webster’s technique certified.
DO... be mindful of your posture regularly. Your ear, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle should all be in a straight vertical line when standing. Your ear, shoulder and hip should be in a straight vertical line when sitting and your knee in a vertical line with your ankle. *Have someone take your picture to see if you line up.*
DON’T... “crack your own back”. By doing this you may be misaligning the spine even more which will do more harm than good. Go to your Chiropractor to be checked.
DON’T... sleep on your stomach. The best sleeping positions are on your back with a pillow under your knees (not if you are pregnant) or on your side with a pillow between the knees and your head in a neutral position. When pregnant sleeping on your left is ideal.
Let’s be real, the spine is the last thing you want on your nerves!
Dr. Cara Corbelli