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The Educated Birth reaches thousands of parents, reproductive health workers and more on our website and social media, including over 21K followers on Instagram! We love connecting our audience with incredible organizations and businesses we believe in.
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You have a message to share about the work you do and the services/products you offer. We are all about education here, so the more educational the tone and the content, the more likely we are to publish. Here are a few examples of guest post titles/concepts:
This Postpartum Solution is Simple But So Smart
Here’s What You Need to Pack Before You Step Foot in L&D
Our 5 Favorite [Product] from [Business Name]
[Business Name] Wants You to Know Pumping Could Really Be This Easy
[Business Name] Just Started a Summer Sale With Great Deals on [Product/Service]
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Want to reach even further — online and in sweet, hold-it-in-your-hands, unforgettable print? Everyday Birth Magazine has over 170 subscribers in over 30 states, Canada and the UK! And our magazine has been a part of several baby and reproductive health-centered conferences hosting hundreds of professionals and parents each year.
The Basic Advertisement in Everyday Birth Magazine for $450 includes:
a half-page ad in one issue
a digital ad on @TheEducatedBirth and @EverydayBirth Instagram accounts
your logo on The Educated Birth and Everyday Birth Magazine websites
Add-ons to this bundle include:
Sponsored Blog Post (The Educated Birth)
An educational blog post featuring your business/orgSponsored Half-Page Article (Everyday Birth Magazine)
An article featuring your business/org
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$450, The Basic Advertisement
$500, The Basic Advertisement + Sponsored Blog Post on TheEducatedBirth.com
$550, The Basic Advertisement + Sponsored Half-Page Article in Everyday Birth Mag
$600, All of the above
Questions? Email us at hello@theeducatedbirth.com